One thing I learned from watching this drama is that you can't rely on high ratings too much. because some of the dramas I loved, some people might not like them (i.e one of my sisters found coffee prince "Boring" while I think its one of the best Korean dramas ever made). Anyway, to be honest I really DID enjoy Nice Guy for the most part. it was intriguing, the characters were 3 dimensional and it is very well written but I think my main issue is the whole amnesia thing and how it came about. I hate to say this, but (but it is what it is) I spent most of the drama ogling Joong Ki Oppa. Like, seriously who can help themselves when it comes to him? Cuz I sure can't!

and sometimes he would make a cute expression and I would rewind it over and over again. Ok, I have a problem don't judge me! But I'd hate to think that the MAIN reason why I enjoyed this drama is because Song Joong Ki is beautiful. But now that I think about it, it feels like that's probably why EVERYONE on MydramaList was all "ERRRMAHGERD THIS IS THE BEST DRAMA EVAA" and had me watching it with high-ass expectations.
One thing I loved about the drama is how different the story is. Then again, I don't know if it's different to me because I haven't seen it before, or because it actually hasn't been done before. Either way I was ENTERTAINED and it had me engaged for all 20 episodes.
Obviously I won't say too much (but if you wanna discuss this drama with me, leave a comment!) but I WILL say that there were certain scenes that had me all emotional (i.e a certain scene that occurred in the rain. I'll stop there).
The last thing I want to say is that Moon Chae Won should play a bitchy character in another drama! I totally want her to be the antagonist.