Monday 24 June 2013

My Birthday!

Hey Guys! So my birthday was on Saturday and this is how I woke up:

LOL just kidding. To be honest, I wasn't really that excited and I'm not really sure why because i'm usually excited for my birthday and I always plan out what i'm going to do like WEEKS before the day even comes. But for some reason this year I was pretty meh about it and I had no idea what I wanted for my birthday or what I wanted to do. Scratch that; I think I know what I wanted for my birthday..
(If you get this ^ you're amazing)
Anyway, we (me and the Fam Bam) ended up going to a Japanese all -you- can -eat buffet restaurant called Oishi Maki and the food was really good! thankfully my mom didn't have any complaints (cuz generally if she's not enjoying her food, it will become EVERYONE'S problem). needless to say, I stuffed my face and when they brought out the dessert, they even sang happy birthday to me and it made me feel all special and stuff.

Anyway, even though it rained for most of the day, I still had a good time. Thank God for food.
Ya'll know what I'll be doing next year though...

I'm just happy that this year's was better than last last year's. last year we went to some boring restaurant and I really didn't want to go but I didn't say so because my mom really liked it so we went there and I was still hungry afterwards. there is nothing worse than being hungry on your own birthday

Hopefully my next birthday will be more fun and I'll have more creative ideas as to what I want to do..

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